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Week 1 Cut the grass and raked up all leaves (3 hours)
Week 2 Dusted and vacuumed the Nursery (1 hour)
Week 3 Cleaned the Garage (3 hours)
Week 4 Put away all of the Halloween decorations inside/outside (2 hours)

Badges Earned:

Core Badges Earned:

Jonathan's Accomplishments

Safety Level 1

Finished a 10 week course and certified as a CERT (community emergency response team) including first aid.

Shock is a common occurrence during a community disaster and can be identified by weakness, dizziness, nausea and cool skin to name a few. Treatment includes laying the person down, covering with a blanket and elevating the feet and then continue to monitor the vitals.
First aid kit: antiseptic, gloves, cold compress, dressings, bandages, cloth tape, antibiotic, roll bandage, thermometer, tweezers.
Blood borne pathogens such as HIV and HBV are carried by the blood and can be transmitted through contact with infected human blood and other infectious body fluids.
Safety for me is being aware of my surroundings at all times, keeping my hands washed and using protection when necessary.

Volunteering Level 1

Finished volunteering 100+ hours with a local community film project that works to teach film skills to local members of the community. I served in roles including a Trainer, Production Assistant, Background Artist, Lighting, Sound Mixer, Boom Operator, Script Supervisor, Continuity Specialist, Grip, and Best Boy.

Volunteering Level 2

Finished volunteering 100+ hours with a local community film project that works to teach film skills to local members of the community. I served in roles including a Trainer, Production Assistant, Background Artist, Lighting, Sound Mixer, Boom Operator, Script Supervisor, Continuity Specialist, Grip, and Best Boy.


Upholstery: Covered changing table

Building: Tree house

Sewing: Adult baby clothing

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